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Certification in Russia and why do You need it

Russia is a unique country which has its own safety norms. If you plan to cooperate with Russia, you should know and understand the Russian requirements of certification. Every single product sold in Russia* needs to be certified in Russia* (or to have the Letter Of Waiver) and to be marked with an EAC sign. CE self-declaration is not accepted in Russia and cannot replace the Russian certification of Conformity. There is no legal way to import any goods to Russia* without the appropriate certificate or the Letter Of Waiver. The EAC certificate allows to use the EurAsian Conformity (EAC) mark which is a mandatory sign that must be visible on your product to demonstrate its compliance to the Customs Union’s regulation.


The certification might be tricky, complicated and expensive. That‘s why some Western companies prefer not to deal with it but pass this problem to their clients in Russia*. They can get the certificate too, of course, but You should know, why it’s preferable for You to make Your own certificate:


  • Your client will be able to get the certificate for one single shipment or maximum for 1 year only on his own; You could get the certificate for 3-4 years at almost the same price.

  • The Supplier’s certificate can be copied and given to each importer of Your goods in Russia*. Don’t force Your customers to solve this problem by themselves and they will repay You with bigger orders.

  • Using a ready-made EAC certificate would be a strong marketing argument in acquiring new customers for Your products.


*- Russia and other countries of Customs Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia)

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How to get this?

Good news is that we can solve this matter for You fast, efficiently and at low costs. We will carefully guide You through the entire certification process and assist in every step. Firstly, we will check Your product list to define whether You need a Certificate, a Declaration of Conformity or the Letter of Waiver. Then we will offer You the most effective solution indicating prices, terms etc. This will be free of charge and at no obligations for You.


For details please check how do we work.

Carlo Papa, CEI, Italy: „We are fully satisfied with the swift and cost-effective service provided, not to mention the expertise in addressing our demands. Given our positive experience with such a reliable partner, we will be happy to recommend your services to others.”

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